Recyclers VolunteersHumble beginnings Russell Recyclers (now Resilient Russell Charitable Trust) volunteers set up and monitor the recycle stations for our first event, the annual Russell Birdman Festival.

Original Purpose

To promote, educate and facilitate the implementation of effective and sustainable waste diversion within the community thus helping to preserve our precious and unique environment for locals and visitors to appreciate and enjoy.


Resilient Russell Charitable Trust (originally Russell Recyclers) started in 2014 as event waste management educators and we are now well-known recycling ‘ambassadors’ for a number of events in the Far North.  We educate the public on how to correctly dispose of waste and reduce what ends up in landfill. Resilient Russell is continually investigating other avenues to improve waste minimisation, and in August 2021 partnered with Northland Waste Ltd, contractors at Russell's Re:Sort transfer station, where our volunteers will, among other activities, be operating a re-use shop..

We believe improved waste management, motivated and implemented by the community, will contribute towards Russell’s resilience and ongoing sustainability.  By establishing the Trust, our aim is to have a significant and beneficial environmental impact and create employment and training opportunities that will help generate additional community wealth which remains local.  While, at the same time, keeping our town looking beautiful and ensuring our position as socially responsible kaitiaki (caretakers) of the environment for future generations.

 Resilient Russell Charitable Trust is a member of Zero Waste Network New Zealand

Thanks to Our Sponsors

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 Northland Waste Ltd provide the recycle bins at all our events and operate the Russell Re:Sort Transfer Station.

   The CarbonCycle Company

 Carbon Cycle Composting Co donated 3 Hot Composting boxes for our community composting system.

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 Bunnings Kerikeri have provided grabbers so our volunteers can safely sort waste at events




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Far North District Council through the Local Community Board and  Creative Communities Schemes have provided grants for our Go Green Awards and Trash to Wearable Art Fashion Show